Profile details
"good strategist", Competitor
Torsten Schreier draws praise as “a very effective and fair negotiator” who is “great to work with” in commercial and IT transactions.
According to clients, Torsten Schreier ‘stands out in particular’: he is noted for ‘his expertise, business sense and negotiation skills’. He advised Unicredit on the second tranche of the outsourcings for its entire IT infrastructure to IBM and assisted HSH Nordbank with an outsourcing agreement regarding services for shipping portfolios with HSH Portfoliomanagement and Cerberus. He also acted for Cinven, CPPIB and Hotelbeds in the renegotiations for a significant outsourcing contract with IBM.
Oft empfohlen für Informationstechnologie – Verträge/Prozesse und Informationstechnologie – Transaktionen/Outsourcing
Häufig empfohlen für Geistiges Eigentum und Informationstechnologie